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Urban forest

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11.Cohesive bare forest land by Region, Urban area zone, Year and Table content

11.Cohesive bare forest land by Region, Urban area zone, Year and Table content
Median, hectares95th percentile, hectaresAverage, hectares
A Northern NorrlandNot urban forest4.2623.607.35
0-300 meters2.179.873.64
301-1000 meters2.8213.064.52
1001-2000 meters3.2118.445.42
2001-3000 meters3.5720.376.06
B Southern NorrlandNot urban forest3.3220.576.10
0-300 meters2.4112.704.00
301-1000 meters2.5512.204.15
1001-2000 meters2.5613.984.42
2001-3000 meters2.9415.674.97
C SvealandNot urban forest2.6114.654.51
0-300 meters2.5412.364.16
301-1000 meters2.6813.604.39
1001-2000 meters2.6915.014.57
2001-3000 meters2.8415.864.89
D GötalandNot urban forest1.868.322.85
0-300 meters1.938.953.07
301-1000 meters2.019.053.10
1001-2000 meters1.949.183.08
2001-3000 meters2.019.073.10
E Whole countryNot urban forest2.4815.084.51
0-300 meters2.2110.933.61
301-1000 meters2.3211.353.76
1001-2000 meters2.2911.983.87
2001-3000 meters2.4112.714.07


Areal according to the Swedish Forest Agenc's continual analysis of Sentinel satellite images Urban area boundaries are in accordance with Statistics Sweden's geodata from 2020. Urban areas are divided in four mutually exclusive zones around each urban area polygon. The zones are 0-300 meter, 301-1000 meter, 1001-2000 meter and 2001-3000 meter. In the table, we also show results for what is not urban forest.
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Databasen består mestadels av statistik som ingår i Sveriges officiella statistik. / The database consists mostly of statistics included in the Official Statistics of Sweden.