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Urban forest

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09. Urban forest by ownership category by Type of forest land, Region, Urban area zone, Year (5-year average), Table content and Ownership category

09. Urban forest by ownership category by Type of forest land, Region, Urban area zone, Year (5-year average), Table content and Ownership category
Area, hectaresProportion, percent
IndividualPrivate stock companiesMunicipalities and county councilOthersIndividualPrivate stock companiesMunicipalities and county councilOthers
Forest landNorthern NorrlandNot urban forest2,881,8531,315,166128,5064,814,9893214153
0-300 meters13,4542,16811,1701,869478397
301-1000 meters53,84710,4229,8574,4596913136
1001-2000 meters136,4407,0391,0737,30590515
2001-3000 meters175,46627,8136,50623,9097512310
SouthernNorrlandNot urban forest2,373,0962,901,64362,862934,6613846115
0-300 meters33,0073,7476,5033,654708148
301-1000 meters90,7108,69212,4429,336757108
1001-2000 meters158,41325,0942,73117,346781219
2001-3000 meters184,57340,3042,15515,104761716
SvealandNot urban forest2,051,0271,383,371104,9951,090,1944430224
0-300 meters42,55517,84540,07916,16436153414
301-1000 meters155,86349,68934,12126,98758191310
1001-2000 meters270,58274,70022,78066,0516217515
2001-3000 meters313,37487,55210,35273,6986518215
GötalandNot urban forest2,697,589268,99645,946545,081768115
0-300 meters78,0215,50455,60414,7945143610
301-1000 meters260,45521,40141,36329,595746128
1001-2000 meters552,38637,22723,27975,679805311
2001-3000 meters557,39839,43613,52183,463806212
Whole countryNot urban forest10,003,5665,869,175342,3097,384,9244225131
0-300 meters167,03729,265113,35636,4824883311
301-1000 meters560,87690,20397,78370,3776811129
1001-2000 meters1,117,822144,05949,862166,3817610311
2001-3000 meters1,230,812195,10432,535196,1747412212
Productive forest landNorthern NorrlandNot urban forest2,355,5501,134,50069,1923,086,8793517146
0-300 meters12,1852,16810,2541,869468397
301-1000 meters52,43110,4229,8572,8016914134
1001-2000 meters126,9555,8081,0735,64791414
2001-3000 meters154,82222,3556,50622,5717511311
SouthernNorrlandNot urban forest2,062,2282,559,02256,560647,2763948112
0-300 meters31,6523,6506,5033,654708148
301-1000 meters83,9257,73912,4429,336747118
1001-2000 meters147,44124,3142,73116,370771319
2001-3000 meters155,88338,1411,37512,618751816
SvealandNot urban forest1,893,6041,268,58790,981937,0004530222
0-300 meters40,88316,41937,57715,40037153414
301-1000 meters147,37547,77629,82525,95059191210
1001-2000 meters252,43572,22620,81360,7846218515
2001-3000 meters292,24483,41910,35266,7026518215
GötalandNot urban forest2,509,094244,74943,186507,544767115
0-300 meters73,7734,43249,06812,087533359
301-1000 meters243,67120,66137,47824,895756118
1001-2000 meters523,60035,47420,47474,594805311
2001-3000 meters533,66235,73312,80278,644815212
Whole countryNot urban forest8,820,4775,206,859259,9205,178,7004527127
0-300 meters158,49426,669103,40233,0114983210
301-1000 meters527,40286,59789,60262,9826911128
1001-2000 meters1,050,431137,82145,091157,3957610311
2001-3000 meters1,136,610179,64831,035180,5357412212


5-year average for the period 2018-2022, presented as year 2020. Productive forest land is suitable for forest production and not significantly used for another purpose. Production of _1 m³sk (volume over bark include top) per hectare and year. Forest land is land with trees higher than 5 meters and a canopy cover of more than 10 percent, or trees able to reach these thresholds in situ. Urban area boundaries are in accordance with Statistics Sweden's geodata from 2020. Urban areas are divided in four mutually exclusive zones around each urban area polygon. The zones are 0-300 meter, 301-1000 meter, 1001-2000 meter and 2001-3000 meter. In the table, we also show results for what is not urban forest. Private AB: corporations not owned by the state, municipalities, or county councils.
Individual: natural persons, estates of deceased persons, and companies that are not corporations. Municipalities and county council: Municipally and county council-owned properties.
Others: The National Property Board of Sweden, other state owners, corporations with the state as the majority owner (e.g., Sveaskog), and other public owners. This category also includes certain private ownership categories such as ecclesiastical owners, commons, and common forests.
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Databasen består mestadels av statistik som ingår i Sveriges officiella statistik. / The database consists mostly of statistics included in the Official Statistics of Sweden.