04. Certified productive forest land (hectare) by Region and Year
04. Certified productive forest land (hectare) by Region and Year |
00 Entire country | 14,767,800 | 14,923,300 | 14,872,600 | 14,785,800 | 14,804,100 | 14,691,100 |
01 Stockholms | 80,700 | 76,500 | 88,800 | 89,800 | 90,100 | 98,200 |
03 Uppsala | 318,000 | 236,700 | 279,600 | 310,600 | 332,200 | 337,200 |
04 Södermanlands | 140,500 | 180,000 | 176,800 | 181,400 | 190,500 | 196,800 |
05 Östergötlands | 464,500 | 468,900 | 467,400 | 475,500 | 476,000 | 464,900 |
06 Jönköpings | 453,600 | 504,600 | 490,700 | 473,300 | 490,800 | 488,300 |
07 Kronobergs | 472,600 | 463,200 | 462,700 | 449,200 | 451,700 | 434,800 |
08 Kalmar | 559,100 | 543,400 | 550,200 | 540,600 | 541,700 | 506,700 |
09 Gotlands | 23,400 | 27,100 | 27,500 | 29,600 | 26,100 | 26,700 |
10 Blekinge | 146,800 | 150,900 | 148,900 | 139,400 | 147,900 | 135,500 |
12 Skåne | 276,100 | 286,500 | 275,400 | 242,800 | 251,300 | 220,200 |
13 Hallands | 207,500 | 209,300 | 257,700 | 230,200 | 231,300 | 237,200 |
14 Västra Götalands | 713,800 | 734,800 | 739,000 | 784,000 | 806,100 | 775,900 |
17 Värmlands | 797,800 | 760,600 | 750,200 | 783,700 | 800,700 | 814,600 |
18 Örebro | 368,000 | 305,900 | 361,100 | 359,000 | 360,600 | 360,900 |
19 Västmanlands | 184,600 | 187,500 | 200,800 | 192,900 | 184,600 | 203,700 |
20 Dalarnas | 1,425,400 | 1,292,900 | 1,305,900 | 1,281,500 | 1,298,600 | 1,294,400 |
21 Gävleborgs | 1,051,600 | 1,067,700 | 920,500 | 938,500 | 940,500 | 939,700 |
22 Västernorrlands | 1,128,600 | 1,131,900 | 1,161,500 | 1,151,100 | 1,063,600 | 1,140,800 |
23 Jämtlands | 1,591,100 | 1,807,900 | 1,920,900 | 1,789,600 | 1,777,600 | 1,780,300 |
24 Västerbottens | 2,009,800 | 2,064,500 | 1,969,700 | 1,825,400 | 2,001,200 | 2,015,200 |
25 Norrbottens | 2,354,300 | 2,422,500 | 2,317,400 | 2,517,600 | 2,341,100 | 2,219,100 |
Norra Norrland | 4,364,100 | 4,486,900 | 4,287,200 | 4,343,000 | 4,342,200 | 4,234,400 |
Södra Norrland | 3,771,300 | 4,007,500 | 4,003,000 | 3,879,100 | 3,781,600 | 3,860,700 |
Svealand | 3,315,000 | 3,040,100 | 3,163,200 | 3,198,900 | 3,257,300 | 3,305,900 |
Götaland | 3,317,400 | 3,388,800 | 3,419,300 | 3,364,700 | 3,422,900 | 3,290,100 |