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PxWeb 2021 v1
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The Statistical Database
Forestry Labour Force
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Costs in large scale forestry
Environmental Consideration
Environmental consideration historical-cultural values
Forestry Labour Force
01. Number of persons with income by region, income class, industry class, sex. Year 1990- 2021
02. Number of persons with income by age group, income class, industry class, sex. Year 1990 - 2022
03. Number of persons with income by primary employment status, income class, industry class, sex. Year 1990 - 2022
04. Number of employed persons according to the Labour Force Survey, by industry (NACE REV 2), sex. Year 1990-2023
05. Number of employees according to Structural Business Statistics (SBS) by industry (NACE Rev 2.), Year 2000 - 2022
06. Share of selfemployment in small-scale forestry by task. Year 1992-2021
Old tables not updated
Levande skogar
Notified areas of final felling
Ownership structure
Price on roundwood
Production of seedlings
Property and ownership structure
Quality of the regrowth
Reported accidents
Silvicultural activities
Stocks of roundwood and chips
The Swedish Forest Agencys formal protection and compensations
Urban forest
Voluntary set-asides and forest land under forest management certification schemes