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The Statistical Database
Environmental Consideration
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Costs in large scale forestry
Environmental Consideration
1a. Proportion of forest land left as environmental consideration areas following regeneration felling, in per cent with margin of error, 3 season average. Felling season 2000/2001-2007/2008, 2009/2010-2014/2015 and 2016/2017-
1b. Proportion of forest land left as environmental consideration areas following regeneration felling, in per cent with margin of error, 3 season average by Region, Consideration type and Felling season. 2016/2017-
1c. Proportion of forest land left as environmental consideration areas following regeneration felling, in per cent with margin of error 3 season average by Ownership class, Consideration type and felling season. 2016/2017-
1d. Proportion of forest land left as environmental consideration areas following regeneration felling, in per cent with margin of error, 3 season average, by Size class and Felling season. Year 2016-2017-
2a. Proportion of shoreline without a consideration zone following regeneration felling, in per cent and margin of error, 3 season average, whole country by Ownership class and felling season. 2016/2017-
2b. Average width of consideration zones in periphery to water, in meter and margin of error, 3 season average, whole country by Ownership class and Felling season. 2016/2017-
4a. Volume of wood left on the felling area (m3f/ha) by region, type of wood felling season. 1994/95-
4b. Volume of wood left on net area (m3f/ha) by ownership class, type of wood and felling season.1994/95-
4c. Volume of wood left on felling area (m3f/ha) by tree species, typ of wood and felling season.1994/95-
5a. Volume of dead wood left (m3f/ha) by region, extent of decay and felling season.1994/95-
5b. Volume dead wood left (m3f/ha) by ownership class, extent of decay and felling season. (3-season average),1994/95-
6a. Number of conservation trees left on felling area (trees/ha) by region, tree species and felling season.1994/95-
6b. Number of conservation trees left on felling area (trees/ha) by ownership class, tree species felling season.1994/95-
7a. Number of trees left on net area for conservation purposes (trees/ha) by region, diameter class and felling season.1994/95-
7b. Number of trees left on felling area for conservation purposes (trees/ha) by ownership class, diameter class and felling season. 1994/95-
8a. Average, median and 95th percentile for hectare cohesive bare forest land by Region. Year 2013-
8b. Number and area of cohesive bare forest land by Region. Year 2013-
Old tables not updated
Environmental consideration historical-cultural values
Forestry Labour Force
Levande skogar
Notified areas of final felling
Ownership structure
Price on roundwood
Production of seedlings
Property and ownership structure
Quality of the regrowth
Reported accidents
Silvicultural activities
Stocks of roundwood and chips
The Swedish Forest Agencys formal protection and compensations
Urban forest
Voluntary set-asides and forest land under forest management certification schemes