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1. Economic value of annual felling, Year 1950-2023P


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Not included in Swedens Official Statistics Gross stumpage value is the economic value of the felled timber, before subtracting costs. Net stumpage value is the amount remaining after the felling costs have been subtracted, i.e. costs for cutting and transporting wood to roadside. The remaining value is the amount remaining after silivcultural activities have been subtracted, i.e. cost for planting or soil scarification. From 1991 the value of felling residue (branches and treetops) is included in the statistics. Fixed prices are adjustments of the current prices using Consumer Price Index (CPI). Figures for 2020 has been revised. Preliminary figures ar presented for year 2021

Databasen består mestadels av statistik som ingår i Sveriges officiella statistik. / The database consists mostly of statistics included in the Official Statistics of Sweden.